Allevamento domestico


Feeding  the planet with insects: this is what many scientists, the FAO, the ecologists, but also many great chefs wish. Bugs are a rich source of proteins, minerals, good dietary fats and almost cholesterol free, they are the new fonder of sustainability and respect for the ecosystem.

They are small, take up very little space, consume less water than any other farm animal, they grow up really quickly and can be bred even in the cities.

The aspect of a kind of breeding that moves to the consumer is very interesting and up-to-date, in line with the Km 0 philosophy.

So here is an object that can be used to breed insects at home, a piece of furniture that can be integrated in the domestic landscape.
A technological and familiar object for a culture in which we will all be forced to review our way of being consumers overcoming prejudices and misgivings.

“Allevamento domestico” was exhibited in the Triennale Design Museum during Expo 2015 
(Le Affinita’ Selettive, by Aldo Colonetti),
in the light of the topics relaunched by Expo 2015, refocuses attention on three basic food rituals: Cultivating, Cooking and Eating. These are the main factors that are able to change our habits, without technological forcing nor ideological declarations.

Making of 

Photo Credits: Angelo Becci